
Gardener Neighbourhood business Selwerd

Wijkbedrijf Selwerd • job opening nr. 13030

Interesting about this job

Wijkbedrijf Selwerd's front garden project was set up to help people with their neglected front gardens. People who have lost the overview, can no longer physically cope themselves and/or have no money for a landscaper, can ask Wijkbedrijf Selwerd for help in making their front garden beautiful again. This is nice for both the resident and the neighbourhood!

In addition, we would like to see fewer petrified front gardens in the neighbourhood, as part of 'Operation Stonebreak'. More greenery is better for drainage and critters. Also in the case of a petrified front garden, people can ask us for help to make a plan and to remove and dispose of the stones and put back new plants. To make all this possible, we are looking (besides regular volunteers) for someone with an understanding of plants and gardens. Someone who enjoys helping people with a new idea for the garden.

Job tasks and duties


  • You will visit people.
  • You discuss their wishes and make a plan. Then you help with the planning, gathering the necessary materials and assist in the execution.
  • You will conduct the interviews together with the paid worker on this project and he will then also help you with the rest.

Job skills and qualities

  • Knowledge of plants and gardens.
  • Physically (reasonably) healthy.
  • Good command of the Dutch language.
  • Can keep an overview and plan.
  • Affection with the target group.
  • Communicative skills.
  • Living in or near Selwerd is an advantage.

Extra information

Job information

Job type Participation Job
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 16 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location Wijkbedrijf Selwerd

Organisation address and information

Wijkbedrijf Selwerd
Bottelroosstraat 3
9741 JD Groningen
