
All-round handyman/woman

Stichting Pedalpark Groningen • job opening nr. 13295

Interesting about this job

With us, anyone with the good intentions and enthusiastic work mentality is welcome. Everyone is different and yet equal because of that.
The skatepark is a safe second home for many and as a volunteer you will notice that too.

Job tasks and duties

In the Skatepark Coliseum, there is always a job to do. In the coming months, we are busy moving. Here we can use some extra help.
We mainly work with wood, but a cleaning job also happens. 

Job skills and qualities

  • It is nice if you are a bit handy and can see the work.
  • Every job speciality is welcome but even someone without experience but with a dose of enthusiasm can respond.

Extra information

It is nice if you like skateboarding or BMX-ing but this is not a requirement. 
Do you see yourself joining our team? Then we would love to hear from you!

This vacancy can be filled both as a volunteer job and as a participation job (for a minimum of 16 hours per week).

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Participation Job, Suitable For Non-Dutch Speakers, Fit For Newcomers
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 16 hours, max 40 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location Skatepark Colosseum Travertijnstraat 12

Organisation address and information

Stichting Pedalpark Groningen
travertijnstraat 12
9743 SZ groningen
