

Groninger Zwemsportvereniging TriVia • job opening nr. 13524

Interesting about this job

In this position, you will learn a lot about the work of a treasurer. You will interact with various parties such as the department treasurers,  the administration office, the audit committee and the board.

Job tasks and duties

  • Financial management of the association. This includes the monthly direct debit for the membership fees, managing the bank accounts, paying out declarations and allowances and paying invoices.
  • Producing the annual financial report.
  • Preparing the annual accounts and budget and presenting them at the AGM
  • Periodically scheduling and chairing the meeting with the department treasurers.

As treasurer, you will attend the monthly board meeting and briefly report on the financial progress of the association.

Minimum education level: mbo

Job skills and qualities

Be able to deal with figures, keep an overview of an association's finances.

Extra information

This spring (April 2023), TriVia's current general treasurer will step down. We are therefore looking for someone to take over this role. For a smooth handover, it is advisable to walk with the current general treasurer for a few months before April 2023. 

If you are interested and would like to discuss this without obligation, please contact the current treasurer Bert Kramer (

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 1 hour, max 4 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Helperbad, Moddermanlaan 40, Groningen

Organisation address and information

Groninger Zwemsportvereniging TriVia
Moddermanlaan 40
9721 GP Groningen
