
Domestic service and care

Stichting Nieuw Nabuurschap • job opening nr. 10379

Interesting about this job

As a volunteer, you will be part of a close-knit group of people who together provide services to people with mental vulnerability. The mix of professional workers, volunteers and our staff creates a nice working atmosphere in an office environment in the centre of Groningen.

Job tasks and duties

Housekeeping duties within a professional administration office. Together with a colleague, you are responsible for taking care of coffee and tea in the departments for employees but also for any visitors.
It also involves doing chores such as keeping toilets, floors, desks, kitchen and lunch area clean.


Job skills and qualities

  • Have affinity with people with mental vulnerability.
  • Have some experience with housekeeping and cleaning within an office environment.
  • Customer-friendly.

Extra information

Providing meaningful work-based day care and services to people with mental vulnerability promotes social participation. The people who use the services are relieved of care and this leaves more energy and space to focus on other areas of life such as housing, relationships, family, work, etc.

We thus contribute to the conditions for a better quality of life.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance, training, volunteer contract, expense allowance, travel expenses
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 4 hours, max 4 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location Goede doelen Stichting Nieuw Nabuurschap is gevestigd in een monumentaal pand in het centrum van Groningen

Organisation address and information

Stichting Nieuw Nabuurschap
Hoge der A 26
9712 AE Groningen
