

GVAV Rapiditas • job opening nr. 10422

Interesting about this job

As mentioned, we are always looking for volunteers because we are a large association.
This also provides opportunities to do something different if there is a need for that. In consultation, a lot is possible!

Job tasks and duties

GVAV Rapiditas is located together with D.I.O. on sports park Kardinge. As ééone of the larger clubs in the municipality of Groningen, we are always looking for volunteers. At the moment, we are looking for someone who can join us behind the bar.
As a bar worker, you are responsible for selling refreshments and taking on the role of host. Often people also come to the bar to ask where they can find certain people or changing rooms. So, in addition to your bar duties, you will also be responsible for welcoming and showing visitors around the accommodation.

Job skills and qualities

You are sociable and enjoy helping people.

Extra information


Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 2 hours, max 10 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location Sportpark Kardinge

Organisation address and information

GVAV Rapiditas
Bieskemaar 9
9737 AE Groningen
