
Maintenance worker

Simplon Hostel door WerkPro • job opening nr. 10865

Interesting about this job

The Simplon Hostel is located in an old industrial building with lots of spaces. There is always something to do. We offer a relaxed working atmosphere and customisation: in consultation with us you indicate how many hours a week you want to be available and what you prefer to learn and do.
The Simplon Team is a fun team and together we make sure the Simplon Hostel is a hospitable, safe and good hostel.

Job tasks and duties

Are you a handy Harry or Harrïet and love doing odd jobs? At Simplon Hostel, you get the chance to work in a beautiful, old building. As a maintenance worker, there's always something to do: whether it's changing light bulbs, refurbishing furniture or giving it a fresh coat of paint.
During the day, we have a nice lunch together and from Tuesday to Saturday there's a tasty soup prepared for you by our colleagues’s and neighbours De Prael.
Let your handyman skills and creativity shine and together we'll make sure this beautiful historic building looks its best!


Job skills and qualities

We are looking for someone who has the following attributes:

  • Creative.
  • Positive.
  • Collegial.
  • Can work both independently and as part of a team.
  • A great sense of responsibility.

Extra information

Prior to the start, a brief intake will be held where we aim to match the purpose of the application and the interests of the applicant. Together we look at what would be a suitable workplace and whether the placement fits into volunteering or a pathway.  
You can work with us as a volunteer, in a participation job, in a day care pathway if you have a WMO indication and as a trainee.

When you are eligible for it, we will work with you as a volunteer.

If you qualify, we can help you apply for a Participation trajectory: you will then work a minimum of 16 hours per week and receive a bonus of €100.00 per month after 6 months.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Participation Job
Services WA insurance, accident insurance, volunteer contract, volunteer reimbursement
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 8 hours, max 24 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Simplon Hostel

Organisation address and information

Simplon Hostel door WerkPro
Boterdiep 73-2
9712 LL Groningen
