
Staff giveaway shop

Gea's Weggeefwinkel Vinkhuizen • job opening nr. 11697

Interesting about this job

  • Every day at Gea is different.
  • The great thing about this work is that you make a lot of people in poverty extremely happy with things they can take away for free.
  • It is rewarding work, besides giving things away the shop is also a social meeting place.
  • You get people out of their isolation. In short, a warm bath to come and to work!

Job tasks and duties

Gea's Weggeefwinkel has grown from a Facebook page into a physical shop on Metaallaan with now about 200 unique visitors a week. Customers are allowed to take away 10 items each week. Toys, DVDs, books, home accessories, shoes, clothes, underwear, you name it and it's in the shop. Everything in the shop is free. The shop is run by a friendly club of volunteers where everyone is welcomed with open arms.

The shops opening hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1pm to 4pm. Every first Saturday of the month, the shop is open from noon to 4pm. Volunteers arrive an hour before opening time. Then they chat, restock the shop and divide tasks. The different tasks are:

  • Welcome visitors.
  • Sorting and cleaning inputs.
  • Keeping the shop tidy.
  • Talking to customers.
  • Cash register duties.

Minimum education level: lbo/mavo/vmbo

Job skills and qualities

  • Be sociable and customer-friendly.
  • Cooperate with other volunteers.
  • To be determined and clear to visitors.
  • Be presentable.
  • Comply with rules.

Extra information

Gea’s giveaway shop was founded by Gea Topelen-Wilkens. The give-away shop is intended for everyone. In particular, she would like to serve the minima with it. 
Note: at Gea's Weggeefwinkel there are also opportunities for participation jobs! For more information, contact Gea: 06-12997073

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 5 hours, max 16 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
monday afternoon, wednesday afternoon, friday afternoon
Location Gea's Weggeefwinkel, Metaallaan 255 in Vinkhuizen

Organisation address and information

Gea's Weggeefwinkel Vinkhuizen
Metaallaan 255
9743 BV Groningen
