
Assistant supervisor

Refide Bikes • job opening nr. 12477

Interesting about this job

  • The chance to run along in a bike shop that is 'run' by people distanced from the labour market.
  • We would like in this way to get in touch with someone who can participate fully. By cooperating and setting an example, you can help supervise our participants in repairing bicycles. The regular supervision remains responsible for the supervision, so you do not have to see the supervision as a heavy burden. Above all, we want you to enjoy working with us.
  • If you do want to take responsibility in the supervision, you can do so in consultation with the leadership.
  • A volunteer allowance is negotiable if there is no pathway opportunity and the interview shows that your professional knowledge and guidance skills are such that you support our project management. We will make final agreements on this after a short participation period.

Job tasks and duties

  • Talking to customers, taking orders.
  • Mending bicycles.
  • Cooperating with participants.
  • Monitoring a positive working atmosphere and productivity.
  • Assisting in administration.

Job skills and qualities

  • Some understanding of the target audience.
  • Customer-friendliness.
  • Wanting/ability to work.

Extra information

We do not offer wages, but travel and expense reimbursement are possible. We would like to make it possible for volunteers to dedicate themselves to our target group at no extra cost motivated. Not everyone is suitable for guiding our target group, so we would like you to come and meet us first before we make concrete arrangements.

Our paid staff remain (ultimately) responsible for coaching. Above all, we want you to enjoy working with us.    

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Participation Job
Services WA insurance, accident insurance, training, volunteer contract, expense allowance, travel expenses, volunteer reimbursement
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 16 hours, max 32 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location Refide Bikes Zernikecomplex

Organisation address and information

Refide Bikes
Blauwborgje 12
9747 AC Groningen
