
Employee General Services

Slachtofferhulp Nederland • job opening nr. 13602

Interesting about this job

Slachtofferhulp Nederland helps victims and survivors after a criminal offence, traffic accident, calamity or other unexpected major event. They can come to us for emotional support, practical support (such as help applying for compensation) and support in the criminal process. Every year, we help hundreds of thousands of victims and survivors in person or online. We also help those around the victim with tips and advice. Slachtofferhulp Nederland is a national organisation with 25 locations. Together we help victims today. 

Job tasks and duties

After a major event, all kinds of emotions come into play and victims and survivors have to deal with various agencies. You have personal contact with victims on behalf of Slachtofferhulp Nederland. You assess what help they need and offer emotional and practical support. Sometimes one conversation is enough, sometimes someone needs more support. If necessary, you refer for follow-up help.

Minimum education level: havo/vwo

Job skills and qualities

What will you bring?

  • You have a natural interest in your fellow man, a lot of patience and can listen well.
  • Your empathy makes people feel seen and heard.
  • You are practical.
  • You have a good command of the Dutch language.
  • You have digital skills; you can work with a computer and are willing to learn how to work in a new programme.

Extra information

We think it is important to be a good employer. That is why we provide:

  • Good training, in-service training and information on new insights.
  • A good insurance.
  • Expense and travel reimbursement.
  • A laptop, phone and headphones on loan.
  • The ability to work from home and in the office.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services training, volunteer contract, Certificate of Good Conduct is required
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 8 hours, max 12 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Schweitzerlaan 6 Groningen

Organisation address and information

Slachtofferhulp Nederland
Schweitzerlaan 6
9728 NP Groningen
