
Front office assistant

Magma • job opening nr. 13746

Interesting about this job

  • You will find varied work with enthusiastic colleagues.
  • Together we will look at what suits you best. 
  • The location has stairs and no lift. 

Job tasks and duties

As a front office assistant, you will be the first point of contact for local residents and guests who walk into Magma. You will welcome them and refer them to the right location. Furthermore, you will support the project leader in her work and help with light housekeeping tasks.


Job skills and qualities

  • You have a fun and spontaneous personality.
  • You like greeting people with a smile.
  • You are willing to do light housework.
  • You are not afraid to speak your mind. 

Extra information

Magma is an old school building that houses over 20 initiatives, most of which are organised for and by the Vinkhuizen neighbourhood. From sports to cooking, from shopping to creative sessions. Young and old, everyone comes along. Magma is still working on becoming the hotspot for Vinkhuizen. You can contribute to this development. 

You do not need to have work experience for this position. We find it more important that you are a fun, spontaneous and enthusiastic person who enjoys working with people and can work reasonably independently.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Participation Job
Services WA insurance, accident insurance, training, volunteer contract, volunteer reimbursement
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 12 hours, max 16 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Location Magma, Metaallaan 255

Organisation address and information

Metaallaan 255
9743 BV Groningen
