
Furniture pimper

Stichting Doedertoe • job opening nr. 13779

Interesting about this job

The atmosphere at our place is super. You make others happy and therefore yourself. There are lots of materials at your disposal.

Job tasks and duties

Doedertoe's creative shop contains many types of paint and materials.  These are used to give new life to old things (mirrors, cabinets, chairs, tables, etc.) by colourfully painting, stickering them (possibly minor repairs first) and finally varnishing them for use. The result will be given away to whomever can use it in a children's room or living room. We do this in cooperation with Kansrijk Groningen or Present Foundation. You will work together with a few other 'pimpers' during our walk-in. 

Job skills and qualities

Positivity, loving people, getting joy from warming hearts.


Pro (but not necessary): understanding of technical skills of pimping and the creative inspiration.

Extra information

Doedertoe employs only and exclusively volunteers. We are an autonomous organisation.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance, volunteer contract
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 4 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Doedertoe, Travertijnstraat 12 in Vinkhuizen

Organisation address and information

Stichting Doedertoe
Travertijnstraat 12
9743 SZ Groningen
