
General editor

Stichting Platform De Wijert • job opening nr. 13954

Interesting about this job

You will become part of a friendly team, get to know De Wijert in a special way and get up to date with what is going on.

Job tasks and duties

"I would love to, but no time."

That might be what you think when you see our job posting. But then I have good news for you: that's not a problem!

How then? You don't have to commit yourself. You only do something when you feel like it, when you have time and otherwise you are as free as a bird. Occasional photographer, reporter/interviewer, designer, note-taker, advertisement recruiter, whatever you like.

Do you prefer to just become an editor? That too is possible.

Come along for a chat and we'll see what we can do for each other.

Job skills and qualities

Communicative skills and enjoy dealing with people, commitment to De Wijert

Extra information

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services expense allowance
Duration indefinite
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Meetings in the multifunctional centre De Wijert, other work from home

Organisation address and information

Stichting Platform De Wijert
P.C. Hooftlaan 1
9721 JM Groningen
