

Speelotheek Groningen • job opening nr. 8507

Interesting about this job

Toys help children in their development. Work at the toy library is fun, varied and flexible.

Job tasks and duties

The Toy Library lends toys to families and institutions. During opening hours on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings, two or three volunteers are present to lend toys. You will give advice to parents, count toy items, process the loan in the computer system and enrol new members.

Job skills and qualities

The work of collecting toys can be mastered fairly quickly and from there the other work can be learned quickly. Handiness with a computer is desirable.
The schedule is made by mutual agreement and everyone can indicate how often they want to do a shift (usually between 1 and 5 times a month). Volunteers are expected to keep appointments.

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance
Duration indefinite
Hours per week max 3 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
saturdag morning, wednesday afternoon
Location OBS DE Beijumkorf, location De Zwerm, Fultsemaheerd 88, Groningen

Organisation address and information

Speelotheek Groningen
Fultsemaheerd 88
9736 CT Groningen
