
Stall worker WerkPro

WerkPro Stallingen • job opening nr. 13017

Interesting about this job

  • You meet a lot of people who visit the stalls.
  • Various working hours.
  • We have busy stalls and less busy stalls; you can indicate what you like.

Job tasks and duties

WerkPro Stallingen organises supervision and accommodation for bicycles; the most widely used urban transport in the city of Groningen. We manage many different bike sheds and therefore have many different workplaces and types of work to offer. You work at a workplace alone, in pairs or in a team. Working hours can be during the day, but also in the evening, at night and at weekends. From very quiet to quite busy. From very light to fairly heavy. All situations are possible; indicate your preference and we will try to find a workplace that suits you best.

We also take care of staffing.

We also take care of staffing the city balcony; a large bicycle shed near Groningen's main train station where 4500 bicycles are stored and where there is always something to do. People from Hoogezand and Zuidhorn can therefore easily get to their workplace at the station by train; we will pay the travel expenses.

Job skills and qualities

  • You must be somewhat customer-friendly; we want satisfied customers.
  • You must wear work clothes and safety shoes (which we provide); the customers would like to be able to recognise you. 
  • You must be able to arrive on time; we would like to be able to rely on your presence. 
  • In a participation job, you re available at least 16 hours a week.

Extra information

We look at what you like and what you want to grow into during an introductory meeting; what your situation is and what you need. In a volunteer or partipation banana player, we are looking for someone who, after a short familiarisation period, can quickly work independently and strengthen the team.

There is a lot you can do. It starts with you wanting to do something. If, during our discussions, it turns out that a workplace at stables is not suitable, we can also discuss a better place for you; inside or outside WerkPro.

Workplaces Stables - WerkPro

Call 0505774025 and get a call back from one of our supervisors! 

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Participation Job
Services WA insurance, accident insurance, volunteer contract, expense allowance, volunteer reimbursement
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 1 hour, max 32 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Location WerkPro Stallingen

Organisation address and information

WerkPro Stallingen
Protonstraat 6
9743 AL Groningen
