
Employee at FC Groningen

FC Groningen • job opening nr. 8562

Interesting about this job

Volunteers all have their own motivations for volunteering. For you, it can mean satisfaction, new skills, more experience, new acquaintances or friends and a meaningful leisure activity. Belonging somewhere and taking responsibility. Volunteering is actually priceless! 

Job tasks and duties

Did you know that more than 400 volunteers are active at FC Groningen and where the commitment of volunteers is indispensable. Volunteering is not just non-committal, it always involves commitment to another person. After all, it takes time and energy. But those who put their heart and soul into it get a lot in return: satisfaction, new skills, more experience, new acquaintances or friends. Volunteers all have their own motivation for volunteering. For you, it can mean a meaningful leisure activity. Belonging somewhere and taking responsibility. Volunteering is actually priceless! 

Job skills and qualities

Would you also like to get involved for FC Groningen and actually contribute to an activity? Then take a look at the vacancies:
We are looking for stewards, service staff, traffic controllers, facilities staff, medical service/EHBO staff.

Extra information

Volunteers at FC Groningen receive a small financialële tax-free compensation for their work.
They also have occasional benefits on purchases at the Fan Corner and ticket sales.

More about what it's like to work as a volunteer for FC Groningen? Read the volunteer story here 

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work
Services WA insurance, accident insurance, training, volunteer contract, expense allowance, travel expenses, volunteer reimbursement
Duration indefinite
Hours per week max 4 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? No
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Location Euroborg Stadium

Organisation address and information

FC Groningen
Boumaboulevard 41
9723 ZS Groningen
