
Dutch-speaking interlocutors for internationals

International Welcome Center North • job opening nr. 10724

Interesting about this job

As a volunteer at My Local Friend you get to know people from other countries and help people feel more at home in Groningen. You decide on your availability and in what way you meet up with your buddy! 

Job tasks and duties

Do you enjoy helping an international to practise Dutch and feel more at home in the city? Is your Dutch okay and do you have time to meet regularly (about once a week or two weeks)? Then sign up as a My Local Friend!

My Local Friend (a project of International Welcome Center North) matches people one-to-one: a volunteer (who speaks Dutch well) with an international (who would like to practise Dutch).Then you'll, on your own initiative, meet regularly for a chat.

You can, for example, walk around the market with your international, visit a museum, or have a cup of coffee in a café or just at home. It is not about language lessons, but about having a chat. The organisation is always available for questions and support.

Job skills and qualities

Are you interested in other people and cultures and do you enjoy having a conversation and supporting another person with their Dutch? That's all it takes to participate in My Local Friend.

Extra information

IWCN and My Local Friend offer (informal) help to non-native speakers of Dutch who want to learn to speak Dutch better. They come from all over the world and live in the Netherlands for various reasons, such as work or study. Some already speak Dutch reasonably well, others only a little. However, every new person from Groningen should be able to hold a simple conversation, because the point of My Local Friend is to practice Dutch through conversation. In any case, the new Groningers have one thing in common: they would like to come into contact with people who have lived in the Netherlands for a longer time and with whom they will have the opportunity to talk and practice Dutch in peace and quiet.

Want to know more? Read here one of the volunteer stories

Job information

Job type Volunteer Work, Thuiswerk mogelijk
Services accident insurance
Duration indefinite
Hours per week at least 1 hour, max 5 hours
Work hours of your own choosing? Yes
Location Flexibel

Organisation address and information

International Welcome Center North
Gedempte Zuiderdiep 98
9711 HL Groningen
